Vegan Plus

What is a Vegan?

A vegan is a person who avoids eating all forms of animals and animal products. They shun the use of animal products such as leather and fur. They also believe that it is wrong for humans to exploit animals given that animals have feelings and have the right to exist for their own purpose. A new reason has also emerged which relates to global warming. Intensive farming of animals generates methane which is a green house gas far worse than carbon dioxide. Intensive farming of animals also uses a lot of water, feed and land. It would be much more efficient for humans to farm plants as food and not animals.

What is Vegan Plus?

Generally speaking, Vegans are healthier than non vegans. They suffer less from heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases. It is possible, however, to be a vegan but to consume junk food and thus be unhealthy. A Vegan Plus person realises this and has chosen to be a healthy vegan. They do this by
1. Avoiding the consumption of animals and animal products, this includes dairy and seafood.
2. Eating a wide variety of whole organic plants
3. Avoiding or minimising salt and thus sodium (Please see your doctor before starting a low sodium diet as your medications may need changing)
4. Avoiding or minimising sugar
5. Avoiding or minimising alcohol
6. Avoiding or minimising caffeine
7. Taking a Vitamin B12 supplement
8. Taking a Sunbath of about 10-15 mins every 2 or 3 days to make your own Vitamin D
9. Drinking water only when thirsty
10. Exercise or increased activity

The above represents the basic actions of a person following the Vegan Plus life style. This is, if you like, the entry level. Below, I discuss some of the variations to this basic life style.

What is a Vegan Plus Meat?

Ok, that is a contradiction. But it allows for an easy description of a person who, for whatever reason, cannot or will not give up consuming animals and animal products but realises that they need to reduce it. In essence, this person is a Vegan Plus but also consume fresh (not processed) meat once a day, the size of their palm and 1-2cm thick.

What is a Vegan Plus No Oil

The Vegan Plus No Oil life style has the additional condition that Oil is a avoided or minimised as it is identified as a high calorie processed food. Thus it means these people cook by other means usually water based.

What is a Vegan Plus Raw

The Vegan Plus Raw life style follower eats only or mainly raw food and does not cook it at all. They know that cooking food destroys many of the nutrients and generates cancer causing by products. This life style requires a higher level of commitment and the need to learn how to prepare raw food in a hygienic and tasty way which preserves the maximum amount of nutrients.

What is Juicing?

Juicing of whole organic plants allows the easy consumption of a highly nutritious drink without the need for cooking or the bulk of fibre. Juice fasting is often used to jump start the quest for health and weight loss. It should be considered a temporary way of life with a view to becoming a Vegan Plus when finishing the fast.

What is Grazing and what has it to do with Starvation Mode?

As a Vegan plus person you are automatically eating a low calorie diet. So, there is no need for you to count calories. Starvation Mode is when the body decides it needs to store fat because it doesn't know when the next meal is coming. So, if you eat something every 3-4 hours, then you will not trigger or you will release, if active, Starvation Mode. Now your body feels comfortable with releasing fat and not having to store it. This will reduce your hunger pains and cravings for food. This style of eating, small frequent meals/snacks is called grazing.

When should I start?

"There is a window of opportunity to gain health which slowly closes as we age and become unhealthy. The early you start the sooner the benefits accumulate". 

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